Liquidity Ratio

The liquidity ratio measures an individual's ability to meet short-term financial obligations without borrowing.

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In personal finance, the liquidity ratio is a financial metric that measures an individual's ability to meet short-term financial obligations or emergency expenses without resorting to borrowing or selling long-term assets. It assesses the level of liquidity, or readily available cash and cash-equivalent assets, relative to short-term financial needs.


The liquidity ratio is often expressed as a percentage and is calculated by dividing liquid assets by short-term financial obligations:

Liquidity Ratio = (Liquid Assets / Short-Term Financial Obligations) * 100


  • Liquid Assets: These are assets that can be quickly converted into cash or used to cover expenses. Common examples include cash in checking and savings accounts, money market funds, and short-term certificates of deposit (CDs).
  • Short-Term Financial Obligations: These are the immediate or near-term financial commitments that an individual needs to fulfill within a specified period. Examples include rent or mortgage payments, utility bills, insurance premiums, credit card bills, and other monthly expenses.


The liquidity ratio is a vital measure of financial stability and preparedness. A higher liquidity ratio indicates a more financially secure position, as it suggests that the individual has sufficient liquid assets to cover their short-term obligations. On the other hand, a lower liquidity ratio may indicate a potential liquidity crunch or reliance on borrowing to meet financial needs.

Optimal Liquidity Ratio

The optimal liquidity ratio can vary depending on an individual's financial goals, risk tolerance, and life stage. Generally, financial advisors recommend maintaining a liquidity ratio of at least 20% to 30% to ensure a reasonable cushion for unforeseen expenses and emergencies.

In Summary

While a high liquidity ratio offers a sense of financial security, it's also essential to strike a balance between liquidity and long-term investment goals. Holding too much cash in low-yielding accounts may result in missed investment opportunities and hinder wealth growth. Therefore, individuals should carefully consider their liquidity needs while also allocating funds for long-term investments and retirement planning. Liquidity ratio is one of the key measures you'll be able to track on the Strabo dashboard, and a useful measure of financial health at any point in time.

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